About Us
School Information
2920 N. 34th Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85017
Phone Number: 602-764-0800
Fax Number: 602-271-2963
Attendance Hotline: 602-764-0800
Desiderata Vision
Build a collaborative community of respectful, responsible, and safe students and citizens.
Desiderata Mission
Empower students to become socially and emotionally skilled young people who see themselves as successful, productive, independent citizens at school, home, and in the community.
Desiderata Core Values
Be Safe - Be Responsible - Be Respectful
Max Ehrmann's Poem "Desiderata" (latin for "desired things") is a prose poem that has an positive message, and was used as the moniker for a unique alternative program that has served Phoenix Union High School District since 1977.
Desiderata Alternative Program serves exceptional students who have needs that are more effectively addressed in a small school environment. Students are referred to Desiderata by their home school campuses. The Desiderata Program emphasizes academic achievements and helps to support the social, emotional and behavioral development and growth of students. All students are taught district approved curriculum that meets content specific Arizona Academic Standards. Classroom activities stress student acquisition of literacy and life skills.
Desiderata Alternative Program is housed in a 30,000-square foot facility near 35th Avenue and Thomas and was opened in 2006. The campus is designed to be functional and supportive; there are 12 classrooms, library, fitness center, cafetorium, group therapy room, instructional kitchen, assistive technology support, and an outdoor sport recreational area.
Principal Message: Moment of Silence
In response to Arizona Revised Statue 15-506, Phoenix Union High School District has committed to setting aside time each day for students to engage in a moment of silence. The first minute of first period each day will honor this statue. While students are not required to participate, we ask that students do not disturb or disrupt the process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the front office (602) 764-0800 for more information. Dr. Gooding, Desiderata Principal
I-Days for 2023-2024
1st Semester: 8/21/23, 9/18/23, 10/23/23, 12/4/23
2nd Semester: 1/29/24, 2/12/24, 3/25/23, 4/15/24