Parents please complete forms below.

Thank you!

Parent Permission Form

7 Questions

School name: PXU City | Sponsor: Cara Wright

Select all that apply. For more event information, contact Mrs. Wright at or (602)764-6367.

Trivia Night: 08/29/24 (no transportation available)
1st Quarterly Conference: 09/17/24
2nd Quarterly Conference: 11/05/24
3rd Quarterly Conference: 02/04/25
4th Quarterly Conference: 04/22/25

Transportation is only from a district campus, it cannot be from the students' home.

Kashrut, Halal, Vegan, Vegetarian, Lactose intolerance, Peanut-free, Gluten-free

Please provide full name and phone number.

I understand that my typed signature is the legal equivalent of my handwritten signature on this document.