Freshman Year (9th Grade)

Yearlong Essential Question- How do I make sense of the world? 

Grade Level: 9
Phone: 602-764-5600

Number of Semesters: 2
Credits: .5 Credits Each Semester



Mr. Ben Anderson (Humanities) 

Ms. Summer Martin (Health/Fitness)

Ms. Ruby Reyes (Spanish) 

Ms. Laura Motush (Art 1-2)

Mr. Greg Stephens (MOW)

Ms. Megan Mroczek (MOSI)  

Required Materials for the Freshmen Experience

Required: All students are required to bring seven(7) bound composition notebooks, pens, pencils, 6 pocket folders with prongs, 1” three-ring binder. Highly Recommended: 2 clear rolls of tape, erasers, pencil sharpener, 2 packs of notecards, mini-stapler, 1 pack of markers, 1 pack of colored pencils, pencil case, scissors, flash drive, compact Spanish-English dictionary, 1 disinfectant/clorox wipes, 2 boxes of tissue.

Student Success

Growth Mindset

At Bioscience, we focus on students developing a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset.  With a growth mindset, students focus more on the learning and the process by demonstrating hard work and dedication.   A fixed mindset is when a student depends on their natural intelligence and ability for success rather than the actual work process (Dweck).  

Proficiency Scale












Missing Evidence

(can be made up)

Missing Evidence

(cannot be made up)


(not enough evidence for assessment)

Grade Determination

The semester letter grade will be informed by the student’s learning proficiencies over the semester-long body of work with consideration to retained proficiencies and growth over time. Mastery of learning targets leads to mastery of course competencies which in turn leads to mastery of the course.

Trends in Proficiency Levels on Course Standards

Semester Letter Grade

A: All learning targets achieved at “3” or “4” levels

B: All learning targets achieved at “2”, “3” or “4” levels with at most one target at “2” level

C: All learning targets achieved at “2”, “3” or “4” levels with two or more targets at “2” level

D: All learning targets achieved at “1”, “2”, “3” or “4” levels with at most one target at “1” level

F: All learning targets achieved at “1”, “2”, “3” or “4” levels with two or more targets at “1” level

Important Note:  If a student has missing evidence in the form of M (can be made up) or N (cannot be made up) in any amount, then the student runs the risk of failing the course. In these cases, there may not have enough evidence to determine target proficiency nor a course grade.

*Please note that it is the teacher’s assessment and professional judgment of a student’s body of evidence produced throughout the semester, along with the proficiency scores earned, that will determine the final grade. Communicating often with the teacher about the quality of their cumulative evidence is the best way for students to properly gauge their progress.

**If any assessment is not completed (M, N, or I mark), students will run the risk of failing

Late Evidence

Students who do not turn in evidence by the due date will earn an M and have a one-week window from the due date to turn evidence in late with a Late Submission Form filled out by the student and signed by a parent/guardian. Late work without a completed Late Submission Form and parent signature will not be accepted, and the student will earn an N, running the risk of failure due to a lack of evidence on a target.


Students may reassess in order to provide new evidence of learning if they are seeking to improve a mark. The first step of the Reassessment process is for students to complete a Reassessment Action Plan within one week of receiving their mark(s). The purpose of this action plan is to determine how they will reflect on their initial submission to determine gaps in their understanding and when to attend learning labs and/or targeted advisory with the appropriate teacher. After completing and submitting the Reassessment Action Plan, the student will work with their teacher on a timeline and process for reassessing on that specific assessment or learning target. This may look different in each class or for each assessment. For example, the teacher may ask the student to review notes or presentations prior to providing a new assessment covering the same concepts. Another example is the teacher asking the student to practice a skill prior to re-doing part or all of an assessment or project. Student is responsible for scheduling a meeting with teacher via Teams, email, or in person to review the Reassessment Action Plan. The teacher and student will come to an agreed upon due date for the reassessment. 

Communicating Progress

Freshman teachers will communicate student progress electronically every three weeks via StudentVue. Parents can access their grades online at ParentVue or through their students’ StudentVue account.  Report cards will only be mailed home at the end of Semester 1 (December) and Semester 2 (May).  Students will also communicate their progress through self-assessments and reflections throughout the course.  

Restorative Justice

Our school focuses on compassion and collaboration. Student discipline issues are handled using Restorative Justice practices. Restorative Justice is a collaborative approach to problem solving that is focused on repairing harm and strengthening relationships