Principal's Message


Welcome to another year at Camelback High School, a year that will be unlike any other in the history of this school, district and state!  It is my great privilege to now call myself the Principal of this great school and to be able to lead our community in another year of exceptional teaching and learning.  We find ourselves in an uncertain time and while so much around us is unknown or changing, your school and staff want to be a force of consistency and support in your lives.  We are all embarking on a new journey in how we teach and learn but there is no doubt in my mind that together we can conquer any challenge that we face.  As we start this school year it is my hope that you work hard to stay connected to and engaged with your school and teachers.  WE, both the staff and students, are what make this school a special place and while we face physical distancing guidelines and restrictions on our ability to gather as a community it will now be more important than ever that we stay engaged and connected to each other whenever we have the opportunity.  I am excited to start a new year with each of you.  Please know that every adult on this campus is ready to serve and support, YOU!

Stronger together. 



James Arndt
Camelback High School