Library Catalog


Now, more than ever before, Electronic books are essential to reading and learning

Check out these great eBook options

Follett Shelf

FollettShelf eBooks gives PUHSD students access to the links for all the eBooks in the Alhambra Library online catalog.

Username: puhsd / Password: guest

Destiny Discover Library Catalog

PXU computer login = ID# / PW

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg offers thousands of free eBooks from the public domain.


EBSCO eBook High School Collection offers PUHSD students free access to thousands of eBooks.

Open Library

The Open Library shares the world's classic literature at your fingertips. Over 1,000,000 free e-book titles available.

Gale Ebooks

GALE Virtual Reference Library gives you unlimited access to top reference eBooks

Phoenix Public Library

Phoenix Public Library - eLibrary - with your library card from the Phoenix Public Library (PPL), you have free access to thousands of digital materials like eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMusic, eMagazines, eNewspapers, and eVideos. You can even get your eLibrary Card online.

Sora Logo

Click and search for Phoenix Union HSD. Use 365 login email and PW. 

PXU or campus webpage> Info For +Students> Clever > SORA.