Contact Us
Phone Directory
Main Office: (602) 764-4000
Principal: Robert Grant (602) 764-4010
Assistant Principal of Student Learning (Instruction): Dr. Angela Foreman (602) 764-4011
Assistant Principal for Achievement (Registration): Angela Silvas (602) 764-4012
Assistant Principal of Student Connectedness (Athletics/Clubs): Evana Santee (602) 764-4045
Assistant Principal of Student Support: Ulises Aragon (602) 764-4472
Counseling: (602) 764-4007
Attendance Hotline: (602) 764-4100
Bookstore: (602) 764-4342
Education Verification Request Fax to 602-764-4223 or call 602-764-4006
Library: (602) 764-4056
Nurse: (602) 764-4037
Records: 602-764-4073
Registrar: (602) 764-4005
Security: (602) 764-4041