Parent Involvement Policy
Cesar Chavez High School Parent Involvement Policy
To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among the school, parents, and community that will boost student achievement, Cesar Chavez High School shall:
• Provide parents information regarding academic content standards and achievement goals, academic and extracurricular programs, Title I, college and career readiness, Student Handbook, student services, and community resources through use of school website, newsletters, parent meetings, letters home, emails, phone contact, school functions, teacher-parent conferencing, and home visits.
• Maintain ongoing communication throughout the year regarding their child’s achievement and progress.
• Educate teachers and other staff about the value of parental contributions and how to communicate effectively and work with parents as equal partners.
• Offer trainings and tools (such as ParentVue Instructions and American Dream Academy workshops) to enhance parent capacity to monitor their child’s attendance, progress and performance, and work with their child to get college/career ready.
• Translate to parents with limited English proficiency at meetings and workshops and send written notices and reports in a language, to the extent possible, that parents understand.
• Encourage parents to enhance the involvement of other parents.
• Arrange parent meetings at a variety of times to maximize parental involvement and participation.
• Use outreach programs to involve community groups and organizations.
• Develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses in parent involvement activities.
• Welcome and enlist parent input regarding the parent involvement policy, the Continuous School Improvement Plan and other aspects of the school to better meet individual needs and maximize student potential.
For more information please call our office at 602-764-4010