Career and College Major Exploration
What is the best career for you? Do you have plans after high school? Do you know what you want to study? Have you chosen a major? If you’re asking questions like these, don’t feel stressed. Everyone, at some point, has wondered, “Am I on the right track?”
Below are some FREE career exploration sites that can help:
Features of this website include:
Interest and Skills Assessment a world-renowned career assessment tool to help people identify suitable career options based on their interests and skills
Career Profiles thorough and up-to-date information about hundreds of different occupations, including direct links between careers and college programs
Multimedia Interviews with real people in each occupation, which add depth and realism to career profiles
Electronic Career Portfolio available online, so students can develop their education and career plans from wherever they access Xello
Log in to your Xello account to begin planning your future and learning about yourself!
Username: PUHSD-ID number
Password: School password (1Pu...)
Access the About Me, Explore Options, Goals and Planning
Features of the O*NET Interest Profiler on the My Next Move website include:
Find out what your interests are
Find out how your interests relate to the world of work
Find out what you like to do
Decide what kinds of careers you might want to explore
Start the Interest Profiler here
Features of this website include:
Get tons of careers, majors, and high school classes that match what you like to do
Follow the career journeys of real people who share your interests
Start exploring here
Features if this website include:
Find a major, degree program and career that fits you
Take an online interactive major and career quiz
Easily explore majors and careers that fit your interests and passions
Chart an academic pathway to find a degree program that leads to a career so you can design the future you want
Start exploring here
Aptitude & Career Discovery
Brain Games + Interest Profiler
Explore aptitudes, review personalized career matches, and develop affirming language to better highlight your assets in interviews, resumes, etc. YouScience Discovery brain games match what you’re good at (aptitudes) and what you like to do (interests) with in-demand careers for which you have a competitive advantage. That project, schoolwork, or hobby that just comes easy to you? You can thank your aptitudes for that – and we’ll help you uncover all of them.