Libraries & Database Passwords

PXU Research Databases
Britannica, EBSCO, Infobase, Newsbank, Proquest, Teen Health & Wellness
Gale Databases - Password Only

Username: phoenixunion / Password: pxu#2025

Comics Plus
24/7/365 access to thousands of comics, anime, and manga
Sign-in with your Microsoft 365 login - Username: PXU Student Email / Password: Computer Password

Destiny Library Catalog
Login to your school's catalog to checkout eBooks and eAudiobooks.
Sign-in with your Microsoft 365 login - Username: PXU Student Email / Password: Computer Password

PXU Social Studies Textbook: History, Religion, Popular Culture
Username: phoenixstudent / Password: phoenixstudent

Educational Videos, current events, articles, and more.
Sign-in to CLEVER with your Microsoft 365 login - Username: PXU Student Email Password: Computer Password