Phoenix Union Ward One Governing Board Member Naketa Ross Resigns
Phoenix Union’s Ward One Governing Board Member Naketa Ross resigned effective March 10, 2025. Ross joined the Board after being elected to Ward One in November 2018. Ward One includes Betty Fairfax and Cesar Chavez High Schools as well as Advanced Readiness at Chavez High School (ARCH).
PXU Superintendent Thea Andrade shared, “I am grateful for the years of dedicated service that Board Member Ross provided the students, staff, and families in her Ward and in Phoenix Union overall. She was a steadfast board member during the pandemic and beyond, and a strong advocate for students.”
Within 30 days after notification of a vacancy, the Phoenix Union High School District Governing Board may submit up to three names of qualified electors to the Office of the Maricopa County School Superintendent for consideration of an appointment to fill the vacancy. The county school superintendent will consider the recommendations of the Board along with all applicants.
Phoenix Union High School District Governing Board Vacancy Application Process
The Governing Board has 30 days from when a Board member resigns to recommend up to three individuals who have completed the submission process to the Maricopa County School Superintendent for consideration of appointment to complete the term (December 2026) of the vacated seat. The following process will be used to identify these individuals:
The process will be outlined and available beginning Monday, March 17, 2025, on the district website.
The vacancy and subsequent process to apply will be advertised:
on district social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.),
via email to parents of current students and
on the Phoenix Union website
The process will require candidates to:
All applicants must provide their address and must reside within the Ward One Boundaries (Qualifications can be found on the Maricopa County School Superintendent website.)
Submit current resume
Submit a letter of interest responding to the following:
Why are you interested in serving on the PXU Governing Board?
What are your qualifications to serve on the Board?
What is your vision for public education in our community?
All applicants must submit all documents via email to by 5:00 pm on Monday, March 24, 2025.
The eligible candidate names will be provided to each Board member, and the eligible applicants will be notified on Thursday, March 27, 2025, of the Governing Board’s intent to interview them on April 3, 2025, during the regular Board meeting.
At the regular board meeting, at approximately 6:00 pm on Thursday, April 3, 2025, eligible applicants will be interviewed, and board members will individually rank their top three candidates. This meeting is open to the public.
The names of the final top three candidates will be recommended to the Maricopa County School Superintendent for consideration by Friday, April 4, 2025.
All received submissions will be forwarded to the Maricopa County Superintendent for her consideration.