Work Experience Credit
General Information
Work Experience for Credit is completed outside of class hours. A student must submit an application for credit documenting the required hours for credit. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure all documentations and requirements are submitted by the deadlines.
Who is eligible to participate in Work Experience Credit?
Students who are classified as seniors (12th grade) and at least 16 years of age are eligible to participate. Students must show proof of work experience and supporting documents.
How are credits earned?
Work Experience for Credit is a 0.5 elective credit option available for high school students who work for 60 hours or more OR a 1.0 elective credit option for high school students who work for 120 hour or more. Students may earn a maximum of 1.0 elective credits towards graduation.
Please see application below. Paper copies are available in the front office.
If you need help with the application, set up a virtual Teams appointment. Use the link to schedule a virtual appointment to go over your graduation status. You must be logged into Office365. You do not have to turn on video, the meeting is in TEAMS. Click here: Virtual Appointment.