Pride Express

Pride Club

Club Sponsors:

What is Pride Express?

Pride Express is a welcoming and safe space for our LGBTQ+ students and friends and supporters of the LGBTQ community.


  • We focus on making connections, friendships and offering social and emotional support.

  • During our meetings you might see: icebreaker activities, storytelling, trust exercises, show & tell, twenty questions, arts and crafts, and facilitated discussions

  • Field trips

  • On campus get-togethers with other clubs which include karaoke, ping-pong, games etc.

  • Participate in the Phoenix Pride Parade

  • Participate in the PXU Unity X Pride Summit 

Meetings: Meetings are held monthly and are either in-person or virtual.

How to Join:  Contact Carolina Alonzo, Email Carolina Alonzo or Kori Gross, Email Kori Gross  via Teams chat if you would like to join or if you would like more information about the club.