Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness is having security with regard to your current and future financial resources. This could include financial worry, job satisfaction and/or financial security. 

Financial Wellness is becoming an essential component in successful workplace wellness and employee benefits programs. It is directly related to an employee's overall wellness due to its influence on the many factors that drive personal wellness. 

PXU's Financial Wellness Events

Free Financial Wellness Seminars

Financial wellness is having security with regard to your current and future financial resources. This could include financial worry, job satisfaction and/or financial security. Financial wellness is becoming an essential component in successful workplace wellness and employee benefits programs. It is directly related to an employee’s overall wellness due to its influence on the many factors that drive personal wellness.

Click HERE to view and register for the 2023 - 2024 School Year FREE Financial Wellness Sessions 

Follow these steps:

Arizona State Retirement System

Retirement Benefits

Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS)

Regular employees working 20 hours or more per week for more than 20 weeks must participate in the ASRS by contributing a specified percentage to the Plan. The retirement benefit an employee receives depends on the number of years and months for which the employee receives retirement credit. For additional information regarding benefits with the ASRS, please visit their website

Individual Retirement Plans

Financial Wellness Resources

Financial Wellness Self-Challenges