Job Injury

Please follow the directions below in the event you suffer a job injury.  

Please note: minor job injuries that only require basic first-aid do not need to be reported via the Nurse Triage line; they can be handled on-site.

Non-Severe Injuries 

During regular business hours:

  • Please report to your site contact to call the Nurse Triage Line (1-888-252-4689 #2). 

  • After regular business hours or in the event the site contact is not available:

  • Please report to your immediate supervisor to call the Nurse Triage Line (1-888-252-4689 #2). 

All other situations:

Please call the Nurse Triage Line (1-888-252-4689 #2) directly. 

In the case of non-severe job injuries, DO NOT bypass the Nurse Triage process. If you disagree with the triage nurse’s assessment and/or your condition deteriorates, you are free to seek medical treatment at one of the District’s preferred providers.

Severe job injuries

Please report to the nearest medical facility for immediate treatment. The following day, you and/or your site contact will call the Nurse Triage Line to initiate your claim (1-888-252-4689 #3).

For life-threatening job injuries, please call 911.

The following day, your site contact will contact the Nurse Triage Line to initiate your claim (1-888-252-4689 #3).  

  • For a current list of Job Injury Treatment Centers, please CLICK HERE.

  • To review the Nurse Triage Flow Chart, please CLICK HERE.

  • If you need help determining whether a job injury should be classified as severe, please CLICK HERE.