Returning to Work Post-Retirement

The ASRS rules for returning to work after retirement are very specific.  If you do choose to return to work for the PXU or another ASRS employer, please make sure that you follow the ASRS guidelines on their website to prevent action against your ASRS pension. For a brief overview, please refer to the ASRS Returning to Work Rules sheet. 

If you are a certificated employee and wish to return as a Guest Teacher for the PXU, please complete the Certificated Return to Work form and return it to Norma Dominguez @ CEE-5th Floor along with a copy of your current Teaching Certificate and Fingerprint Clearance Card.  You will be contacted for Guest Teacher Orientation and then placed on the Active Guest Teacher List. 

If you are a classified employee and wish to return to work as a temporary worker for the PXU, please complete the Classified Return to Work form and return to Erika Mercado @ CEE-1st Floor. Talent will then contact you for any applicable assignments.