Native American Student Information
In-State Opportunities
University of Arizona’s Arizona Native Scholars Grant ensures the tuition, mandatory fees, tuition differentials, and program fees are fully covered for Native, Arizona resident and undergraduate students seeking their first Bachelor's degree. This can be awarded up to four years (eight consecutive semesters). UA also offers additional funding and admission support to Undergraduate and Graduate Students.
Northern Arizona University’s Access2Excellence initiative expansion. NAU will ensure tuition coverage is not dependent on family income level and will apply to all new and transfer students, including those who live outside of Arizona but are members of the 22 Arizona tribes.
Arizona State University Website
Hoop of Learning Maricopa Community Colleges (MCC) created the Hoop of Learning Program for enrolled Native American high school students in grades 9-12 who maintain a 2.0 GPA along with good attendance during their high school careers. These students are eligible for college scholarships that pay for books, tuition, fees , classroom supplies, and bus tokens to attend college and career-oriented programs at Phoenix College, Gateway Community College, South Mountain Community College, or Glendale Community College.
Out of State Opportunities
Fort Lewis College Native American Tuition Waiver – Not technically a scholarship, Fort Lewis College offers a tuition waiver for enrolled members or the children of an enrolled member of an American Indian Tribal Nation or Alaska Native Village recognized by the US federal government. The NATW only covers the tuition costs for Undergraduate, Graduate, and non-degree seeking students. You will be responsible for all other costs associated with attendance, including books, student fees, and room and board.
The University of Idaho’s Tribal Excellence Scholarship offers in-state tuition to out-of-state Native American students from select tribes or Native students transferring from an accredited tribal college or university.
Additionally, The University of Idaho’s College of Law has the Tribal Homelands Scholarship which offers tuition money to students who are members of a federally recognized tribe. Website
Colorado State University – Colorado State has The Native American Legacy Award which offers in-state tuition to out-of-state Native students. Additional resources for Native American students can be found through the university’s Native American Cultural Center. Website
University of Northern Colorado – University of Northern Colorado offers in-state tuition to students from any tribe with historical ties to the state. Website
The New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship covers the full cost of tuition for qualifying New Mexico residents who attend a public university or college in NM.
The scholarship also qualifies Native American students from tribes that are located even partially in New Mexico, even if the student lives in the bordering state.
Bismarck State College – Bismarck State College offers a Cultural Diversity Tuition Waiver Program which significantly reduces the price of tuition for Native students of a federally recognized tribe.
North Dakota State University – NDSU has a Cultural Diversity Tuition Waiver which assists in covering tuition for Native American students.
Oregon’s Office of Student Access and Completion offers in-state tuition to out-of-state Native students attending public universities and colleges in Oregon. Students must be an enrolled member of one of Oregon’s federally recognized tribes or from a tribe that has had traditional and customary tribal boundaries that included parts of the state of Oregon.
University of Utah – Starting in Spring 2023, University of Utah will begin waiving tuition for Native American students from one of Utah’s eight tribal nations. More information on qualifications and requirements available through the school’s financial aid office. Website
Tribal Colleges and Universities - Tribal colleges and universities provide dynamic higher education opportunities, most on or near reservation lands. Known for their remarkable programs, culturally-relevant curricula, and familial student care – tribal colleges allow students to further their careers, attain an advanced degree, or better support their communities. Website
Tohono O’odam Community College will continue to offer free tuition to all Native Americans. We will also continue to cover the cost of books and fees for all our students, which includes non-Native and non-enrolled Native American students. Website
Diné College is the first tribally controlled and accredited collegiate institution in the United States. Diné College offers 20+ degree programs. Tuition is currently $55 per credit hour or $660 for full time. Website
There are several opportunities for assistance nationally for Indigenous students.