

Course Overview

Fashion Design 1-2 (Junior Students)

In this course students are introduced to the world of fashion by studying the following:

  • Careers in fashion 

  • Equipment used in the fashion industry

  • Prinicples and elements of design

  • Textiles & fabric selection 

  • Fashion illutrations 

  • History of fashion 

  • Wardrobe planning & Accesorizing 

  • Clothing construction 

  • Fashion show production 

In addition, students will learn about professionalism, workplace employability skills, team building skills, and be exposed to industry opportunities.  

Fashion Design 3-4 (Senior Students)

In this course students will advance further in thr world of fashion by studying the following:

  • Merchandising

  • Marketing 

  • Retail

  • Clothing construction

  • Fashion show production

  • Scholarships for fashion careers

  • Student portfolio 

  • Clothing sample 

Students are expected to demonstrate advanced skills in the form of in-depth projects, student demonstrations, and leadership skills. The opportunity for industry internships, and on-the-job training exists.