EBSCO contains hundreds of popular magazines, academic journals, reference books, primary sources, newspapers, and television and radio news transcripts.
Research information for all academic subjects areas from these resources: Academic Search, Advanced Placement, Biography Reference Center, EBSCOhost eBooks, ESBCOhostWeb, Explora Primary Schools, Explora Secondary Schools, Explora Educator's Edition, History Reference Center, LearningExpressLibrary, Literary Reference Center Plus, NoveList Plus, Poetry & Short Story Reference Center, Points of View, Science Reference Center
How To Find Magazines and Journals in EBSCO - Update coming soon!
GALE Global Issues supports global awareness and provides a global perspective while tying together a wealth of authoritative content like news articles, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, and much more.
GALE High School offers cross-curricular content aligned to national and state standards. Learners can access news content with images, broadcast videos, archival film clips, and audio from popular sources like the BBC News, New York Times and NPR.
GALE Power Search is a one-search tool option for all of the Gale resources to deliver magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers, books, videos, images and podcast content on the topic.
ProQuest databases include:
SIRS Knowledge Source with trending Social Issues and World Culture/Politics presented in Pro/Con viewpoints with critical thinking questions and timelines.
CultureGrams which is a comprehensive resource for information from every country, including foods, recreation, holidays, and lifestyles.