
Disability insurance provides income replacement should you become disabled and unable to work due to illness or injury.  There are three levels of disability coverage: Short term, Mid-Term and Long-Term.  For claims, please contact Cyndy Nelke, Employee Benefits Specialist @ 602-764-1538 or email Cyndy Nelke.

Short-Term Disability

For more information and premiums, please review the Benefit Summary via the link below:

Short-term disability (STD) insurance through Sun Life provides you with a weekly check of $100 to $1,900, to replace a portion of your income up to two-thirds of your total base weekly salary if you are totally disabled and unable to work. Benefits start on the sixth day of illness/disability and are payable for up to 12 weeks. This benefit has a workers’ compensation exclusion and pre-existing condition limitations apply to all applications (new and increases). 

NOTE: Payable benefit period restrictions may apply. Must file claim and only for own medical conditions.

Mid-Term Disability

For more information, please review the Benefit Summary via the link below:

Mid-term disability insurance through the Sun Life Insurance Company provides a weekly income of up to 66 2/3% of your base weekly pay (maximum of $2,500) for a maximum of 90 calendar days if you cannot work due to a non-occupational, accidental injury or illness (including pregnancy). Benefits are available after a 90-day waiting period and after you have exhausted any remaining sick leave. This coverage is provided automatically for employees and paid for by the District.

Long-Term Disability

For more information regarding LTD, please review the information on the ASRS website via the link below.

Long-term disability (LTD) insurance provides a weekly income of up to 66 2/3% of your base monthly pay if you are disabled and unable to work. Coverage is provided through the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) and is available after six months of disability and after you have exhausted any remaining sick leave. This coverage is provided automatically for employees as part of their ASRS enrollment.  You can also call Broadspire, the LTD insurance carrier, with any questions you have regarding LTD benefits at 1-877-232-0596.

NOTE: If already retired with ASRS, you do not qualify for LTD.