Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)

FSAs allow you to set aside a portion of your pay on a pre-tax basis to be used at a later date to reimburse yourself for eligible out-of-pocket expenses. By taking advantage of pre-tax deductions, you minimize your taxes paid thereby maximizing your take-home pay.

How FSAs Work

For more information on the FSAs, please review the Benefit Summary via the link below:

You contribute with pre-tax deductions from your pay into your accounts up to the maximum permitted (as outlined below). Then you use the money in your account(s) to pay for eligible expenses you incur between your plan year effective date and June 30th.  Note: if you leave PXU, your FSAs will be cancelled on the last day of your employment.

Use it or Lose it Rule:  This plan does not have a carryover provision, so unused funds in your account at the end of the plan year will be forfeited, so estimate your expenses carefully.

If you are currently enrolled in an FSA, you can access your account information via the BASIC portal link below:

Flexible Spending Account Options

Medical Reimbursement Account (MRA) – a general purpose account to pay for eligible health care expenses (medical, dental, vision and/or hearing).

MRA Max: $2,500/year

Dependent Care Spending Account (DCA) – an account to pay for eligible dependent care (day care) expenses.

DCA Max:  $5,000/year

Limited Care Reimbursement Account (Limited) - an account to pay for eligible dental and/or vision expenses only (no medical) for use with an HSA. 

Limited Max:  $2,500/year

Flex Resources

The full Flex Plan Document and Summary Plan Description are available via the links below. You can also request a copy from the District’s Employee Benefits Coordinator at 602-764-1538.