Life Insurance

Life insurance is an important part of your financial security, especially if others depend on you for support. Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) is designed to provide a benefit to you and/or your beneficiaries in the event of accidental death or dismemberment.

Basic Life Insurance

You can review the Life Insurance Certificate via the link below.

Basic life insurance coverage via the Standard Insurance Company is provided to all eligible employees. This coverage is automatic and paid 100% by the District. You receive one times your base annual earnings with a minimum benefit of $25,000 (maximum benefit restrictions may apply).  There are also automatic age reduction provisions.

Voluntary Life Insurance

The premiums for you and your spouse are based upon your age as of July 1st.  You can review the voluntary life premiums for you and your spouse via the link below.

In addition to your District-paid life insurance, you have the option to purchase additional (voluntary/supplemental) life insurance, also underwritten by the Standard Insurance Company. You can purchase coverage for yourself, your spouse and your dependent child(ren).  

Voluntary life insurance coverage is available for you and your spouse in increments of $10,000, to a maximum of $300,000. 

Note: You must have employee coverage to elect spouse coverage and your spouse cannot have higher coverage than you. Also, employees cannot have personal coverage and be covered as a spouse through another District employee.

Voluntary life insurance coverage is available for your dependent child(ren) up to age 26:   $2,500, $5,000, $7,500 or $10,000.  You must have employee coverage to elect child(ren) coverage. You pay only one premium ($.05/$1000) to cover all your children.