
Medical-Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona

PXU offers five (5) different medical options; High, Middle, Choice PPO, Alliance (Limited Network) and an Alliance (Limited Network) High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with Health Savings Account (HSA) via Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona (BCBSAZ).  The full Benefit Summaries for each option for the 2024-2025 plan year are referenced below.  

Note: Effective 7/1/2025 the High and Middle plans will be discontinued

What network will work for me?

Our High, Middle and Choice PPO options utilize the Statewide/National PPO network. This Network includes the full BCBSAZ provider list.

Our Alliance and the HDHP with HSA utilizes the Alliance PPO/EPO network. This network is a Limited Network which includes selected In-Network doctors and hospitals that must be utilized for non-emergency care within the state of Arizona. The Alliance Network is made up of contracted hospitals and doctors that are part of Banner Health and Honor Health (Formerly Scottsdale Healthcare and John C. Lincoln Health).

For more information on the Alliance network, please click below.  

To search for in-network providers, click the link below:

How do I choose?

With so many different options, sometimes it is hard to choose which one is right for you and your family.  When making your choice, you need to weigh the premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums.  In addition, two of the options utilize the smaller Alliance network, so you need to factor that in when making your choice also.  Each of the above Benefit Summaries contain examples of possible out-of-pocket costs for common procedures (examples don't include premiums). 

The link below shows basic best-case-worst-case scenarios and some pros and cons for the different options.  Note: this is for illustration purposes only and doesn't factor in additional out-of-pocket expenses you may incur. Four of our PPO Plan Options, High, Middle, Low & Alliance, follow a traditional design.

What is a HDHP?

For more information on how an HDHP works. Please click the link below.  Note: this information is for the purpose of explaining how an HDHP plan works only; the deductibles and maximums referenced are not accurate for PXU. 

The High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) with a Health Savings Account (HSA) works differently than our Choice, High, Middle & Alliance Plan. Except for preventable services, participants in the HDHP will have to reach their full deductible before the plan starts paying benefits.  Our other plans utilize a co-pay system. The HDHP option is linked to an HSA which PXU will contribute towards in lieu of subsidizing dependent premiums.  

For the 2024-2025 plan year, PXU will contribute $75/pay check to your HSA for an annual maximum of $1500 plus an additional $500 one-time incentive ($2000 Maximum) if you are enrolled in the HDHP.

For information specific to our plan, please refer to the HDHP link above.