Student & Family Services Division

The Student and Family Services Division believes in authentic engagement with the school community through a variety of partnerships. Supporting the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral needs of PXU students is best achieved through ongoing work with families, staff, and the PXU community at large.

Alyssa Tarkington, Executive Director

Patricia Salinas, Sr. Administrative Specialist to Executive Director (602)764-1344

Family & Community Engagement

Family and Community Engagement is an essential component of a student’s development and learning. Studies show that parent/family engagement contributes to positive student outcomes, including improved student attendance and achievement, decreased disciplinary issues, improved parent/family-teacher and student-teacher relationships, and may improve a student’s overall school experience.

Cyndi Tercero, Engagement Director

Andrea Shannon, Administrative Specialist to Director (602) 764-1151


Sameer Kapoor, Registration Office Assistant (602) 764-1160

Lilia Gonzalez, Counselor (602) 764-1155

Helen Hoffman, Counselor (602) 764-1154

Sara Reimer, Counselor (602) 764-1153


Ruby Reyes, Family & Community Engagement (FACE) Manager

Veronica Rubio, Sr. Office Assistant to Manager (602) 764-1341

Marely Hernandez, Developer of Services for Unique Populations (602)-764-1316

Liz Soto, Family and Community Engagement Coordinator (602) 764-1233

Edgar Uriarte, Family and Community Engagement Coordinator (602) 764-1219

For information on any of the areas listed below, you can email a member of the Family and Community Engagement team at

  • Campus & Community Resources

  • Parent Engagement

  • Refugee support

  • Unique Populations (McKinney-Vento, Foster & Unaccompanied Youth)

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Our department supports students with social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health interventions and support. If your student is struggling with any significant life changes and it’s causing them emotional or mental distress, please contact the social worker at your student’s school to access support and services for them. We offer an extensive menu of intervention services and we have a team of caring support service experts at each campus and at the district office that can help your student or get you connected to one of our many service partners in the community.

Matthew Georgia, MTSS Director

Amber Owen, Administrative Specialist to Director (602) 764-1018

Cami Taylor, Lead Social Worker (602) 764-1463

Dawn Bellingham, Regional Intensive Intervention Specialist (602) 764-1453

Student Achievement

The Office of Student Achievement provides wrap-around services that include a successful transition from middle school to high school, a robust Freshman Year Experience, academic/social emotional counseling services and navigation of post-secondary opportunities. 

Nikki Alward, Student Achievement Director

Barbara Rhodes, Administrative Specialist to Director (602) 764-1236

Letonya Blakley, Partner District Articulation Specialist (602) 764-1307

Lauren Harrell, Post-secondary Articulation Specialist (602) 764-1348

Mary Wrobel, Counseling Facilitator (602) 764-1312

Student Connectedness

We believe that athletics, activities and club participation can play a significant role in PXU’s mission of preparing every student for success in college, career and life. Extracurricular activities develop the whole student, providing learning opportunities and experiences beyond the classroom. These activities often reveal and strengthen new skills, while improving grades, attendance, motivation, graduation and post-secondary attendance. It is PXU’s goal to encourage and support 100% student participation with affordable athletics, quality coaches, multiple activities and clubs, dedicated sponsors and state of the art facilities.

Brian Fair, Student Connectedness Director

Sandra Stringer, Administrative Specialist to Director (602) 764-1334

Student Support

The Office of Student Support fosters safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environments. Through the implementation of the PXU Student Code of Conduct, the Office of Student Support establishes and reinforces clear expectations for student behavior and support. We work collaboratively with school leaders to ensure all behavior incidences are addressed restoratively. The Office of Student Support is committed to ensuring all student behavior incidences are addressed equitably and with consideration of students’ needs and rights.

Jeanine Aguilar, Student Support Director

Remy (Maria) Nuñez, Administrative Specialist to Director (602-)764-1241

Monica Zehring, Student Success Coach (602) 764-1355