Academies at TGB

Academies at TGB Brochure English

Academy of Health and Social Sciences

     Nursing Services

     Occupational Therapy

     Dental Technology

     Counseling and Mental Health

Academy of Global Business and Media


     Digital Design

     Mass Media

Academy of Emerging Technologies

     Network Security

This pathway is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment and postsecondary education related to design, installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of computer networks. Topics include network hardware, operating systems, protocols, routing, cabling, infrastructure support, telecomm, cloud/virtualization, and much more. Students will gain knowledge and skills though hands-on collaborative and independent projects. Students will also explore current trends and innovations in this field. Successful completion may lead to professional industry certifications. Other topics covered include security, ethical and legal issues, safety, and the history of the internet and the computer networking field. Students gain valuable leadership and employment skills and receive opportunities for scholarships and community involvement by participating in FBLA, a state and national career and technical student organization.

     Artificial Intelligence

     Manufacturing Technology: 

This pathway is designed to introduce students to precision manufacturing, machining principles, technical skills, basic manufacturing systems, production planning, information systems, quality control, documentation, technical problem solving, management, predictive/preventive maintenance, and automated manufacturing. This course includes instruction in precision for metalworking, operating large equipment, such as lathes, mills, and grinders, to fabricate metal parts, learning to work from written blueprints or electronic specifications, coding with G-code or CAD CAM systems. Students develop leadership, social, civic, and career skills through participation in the state-recognized Career and Technical Student Organization, SkillsUSA, a state and national career and technical student organization.


Academy of Fine Arts and Industry

     Fine Art Seal

     Construction Technology

     Automotive Technology

Freshmen Academy

Freshman Academy at TGB English and Spanish