Student Success Office

General School Rules/ID Policy

Follow the dress code.

2. Attend all classes daily and be on time.

3. Respect yourself, respect others, and respect our campus.

I.D. Card Policy

All students and staff are required to wear their I.D. cards on a lanyard around their neck with the picture visible when on campus. 

*Students are provided an I.D. card free of charge. A fee of $5.00 for any replacement of lost or damaged cards will be added to the student’s bookstore account. Temporary I.D. cards are issued for $1.00 if found without an I.D for the day.

Dress Code

Students Must Wear:
• School ID's
• Clothing that covers private body parts (genitals, buttocks,chest or nipples, and navels (belly button) with non-see-through material
• Bottoms
• Shoes, must have hard soles
• Tops

Students May Wear:
• Clothing with images/logos that adhere to dress code guidelines
• Dresses, pants, shorts, skirts, sweatpants
• Fitted or tight pants including skinny jeans, non-see-through leggings or yoga pants
• Hats and any other head coverings that allow the face and ears to be visible to school staff and    Hoodie sweatshirts (no hoods worn on head in class)
• Religious headwear and other religious head/face coverings
• Ripped jeans, as long as underwear is not exposed
• Strapless/sleeveless tops or dresses, if worn under a non-see-through garment
• Tank tops, including tops with spaghetti straps and/or off the shoulder sleeves

Students Cannot Wear:
Gang identifying clothing or tattoos
• Hate speech, profanity, nudity or pornography
• Images or language depicting alcohol, drugs, drug paraphernalia (or any illegal item or activity)
• Pajamas, slippers, or house shoes *except on approved spirit days and footwear must have hard    soles*
• Violent images or language
• Visible underwear (waistbands or straps on undergarments worn under clothing are allowed)