
Leaving PXU?

Note: This webpage is for informational purposes only. Current Board Policy and/or Employee Handbook Language will supersede the information included on this webpage if discrepancies exist. 

Thank you for your service to the Phoenix Union High School District. The information provided on this page will assist you in navigating the process of resigning from the Phoenix Union High School District (PXU) and retiring from the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) if applicable. Please remember, these are two separate processes. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Cyndy Nelke, Employee Benefits Coordinator, @ (602) 764-1538 or email Cyndy Nelke.

Don't forget, per the Professional Agreements, employees who plan to retire/resign from their employment with the District at the end of a contract year are expected to notify the District by March 15th. This timeline is necessary to provide the PXU with ample time to hire a replacement. 

Early Notification of Retirement Incentive

Employees who notify the Talent Division by late January of their intent to retire (ASRS) at the end of their current contract will receive a $750 incentive. To qualify, employees must meet their contract obligations for the applicable school year. The specific deadline will be communicated by the Talent Division each year.

PXU Resignation/Retirement Process

  1. If you are planning to retire, contact the ASRS to arrange for your retirement and insurance if applicable. Please refer to the ASRS section of this page.

  2. Submit your letter of resignation to your school principal/supervisor by March 15th or as soon as you make your decision to resign/retire from the PXU.

    Please note: If you are a Certificated Employee and you "break" your employment contract, you may be subject to a monetary penalty.  Please refer to the Certificated Professional Agreement for the specific language or review the Voluntary Separation/Release From Contract excerpt herein.

  3. Finalize your post-employment insurance.  All insurance via the PXU will terminate on the last day of the month in which your contract ends or on the last day of the month in which you retire/resign from the District whichever is earlier with the exception of Flex.  Flex accounts will be terminated to align with your resignation/termination date.  You will have 4 options for your insurance when you leave the District: 

    Group Insurance via another employer.

    Private Insurance via the Healthcare Marketplace.

    COBRA: Please refer to the COBRA Information Sheet for more information and the 2024-2025 COBRA Premiums table for premiums eff. 7/1/2024-6/30/2025. 

    Note: if you are resigning/retiring at the end of the school year and wish to participate in the District's Open Enrollment to make changes to your COBRA benefits eff. 7/1, please contact Cyndy Nelke for the applicable forms.

    Subsidized Insurance via the ASRS: Please refer to the ASRS website for information on their coverage.

  4. Make arrangements with Security Benefit if your projected leave payoff will be more than $5000.  Please refer to the Special Pay Plan section of this page.  

  5. Make arrangements with your campus/site to return all District equipment & keys.  

  6. Turn in your PXU Early Retirement Program (ERP) Options form and Attestation to Cyndy Nelke @ CES - 5th Floor if applicable.  The Talent Division will send you these forms automatically if you qualify for this Program. For more information regarding the benefits of this program, please refer to the Early Retirement Program (ERP) Section on this webpage. 

Remember: All Life Insurance via the District (Supplemental and District Paid) is Term Life. Consequently, all policies will end per the parameters referenced above. If you wish to continue your Life Insurance, you can request an application to convert and/or port some or all of your coverage by contacting The Standard @ 800-368-1135.   Note: Participants of the PXU Early Retirement Program per # 6 above retain their District Paid Life Insurance so conversion/portability would not be necessary for this policy only.

Other Information