
Photo of Maryvale HS billboard

Maryvale High School Counseling Department

The Maryvale High School Counseling Department is always ready to work diligently for our student's academic, career, emotional and social well-being. Throughout the school year, there will be many opportunities and events for specific grade levels to receive information about academic criteria required to graduate from high school and directions for reaching post-secondary goals.

To talk to a counselor, students please call, email, or (email or call us on TEAMS).

School Counselors:

Counseling Department   (602) 764-2041

Email Mr. Bustamante             (602)764-2038

Email Ms. Gordoa                    (602) 764-2036

Jones                     (602) 764-2039

Email Ms. Gard                        (6020 764 2034

Email Ms. Laufer                     (602) 764-2037

Email Mr. López                     (602) 764-2042

Email Ms. Montiel                    (602) 764-2040

Email Ms. Cardinal                  (602) 762-2055

Instruction Leader Counseling Dept:

Sr. Office Assistant Counseling:

Email Dominique Rodríguez              (602) 764-2041

College, Isn't a Dream. It's a Plan!

 Keep Calm!  We are here to help! 

Preparing Students For Their Senior Year With Tri University

Arizona’s public universities are excited to share opportunities to connect with Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona as you prepare your juniors for their senior year! As your public universities, we recognize the importance of working together and improving access.

We’ve assembled two helpful videos so your students can better understand the college admission process. Check out these resources from Tri-University on our website. These sessions are geared toward providing students with in-depth information about our public universities and the robust opportunities available to them in Arizona. 

Getting Ahead: Prepare now for your senior year

  • Hear from admission professionals at your three in-state universities to get advice on preparing students for their senior year and college applications.

Paying for College: Understanding financial aid and scholarships

  • Attend this session to hear from your in-state universities about paying for college, ways to earn merit-based scholarships and understanding college attainment programs at each university.

We are excited for students to learn more about our three institutions and look forward to connecting with you and your students more in the future! Be sure to check out our Tri-University website for more details. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me.  

Email Ace Plus 



Flyers in Spanish and English



For College Scholarship Info (CLICK ME NOW)

Phx Union Scholarship Page Scholarships

472 Scholarships for High School Seniors with Upcoming Deadlines

What is an IDA Program? The Individual Development Account (IDA) education program is a matched savings program that helps people of low to moderate means build assets. A New Leaf, collaborates and through partnerships seeks to ease the burden of paying for rising college costs. IDA programs have shown to create economic security for families. IDA programs assist in the development of building assets which empower and enrich the lives of families so as to provide self sufficiency. 


CLICK IDA to get information:

IDA Match Planning

IDA Presentation 2020 


 Parsons' Dreamers Scholarship @ GCU

Maryvale High School         SCHOLARSHIPS 


Heads Up from Jostens!!!

Community Resources

Internship Volunteer Opportunities

My name is Alayna O’Keefe and I am the current Youth and Education Intern with Phoenix Sister cities. Thank you for your continued support of Phoenix Sister Cities’ Youth Ambassador Exchange Program! Our Preview Night went well and we are excited to select our 2020 Youth Ambassadors. But there is still time to apply! Applications for the Phoenix Sister Cities Youth Ambassador Exchange Program are currently open and close Friday, January 10.

High school sophomores and juniors are invited to apply to the Youth Ambassador Exchange Program where they can spend a year serving as an ambassador. As ambassadors, students will spend two to three weeks abroad in June living with international counterparts. In July, the international counterparts will travel to Phoenix to spend three weeks living with the Youth Ambassador and their family. Participating in the Youth Ambassador Exchange Program, students become part of a global community, learn about different cultures, and develop leadership skills.

Would you please continue to share this opportunity with your sophomore and junior students? If you would like a member of our team to come to your school or classroom to give a presentation before winter break, please email me back or contact our Program Coordinator at April Cavaletto. We are also happy to speak with any students individually that are interested in the program.


More information regarding the application and program is available at


If you or your students have any questions, please feel free to contact me!




Alayna O’Keefe

Assistant to Youth and Education Program

Phoenix Sister Cities

200 W Washington St., 19th Floor, Phoenix, AZ 85003

[Phoenix Cities]

Phoenix Cities