
Maryvale High School Library

 Jean Kilker, Teacher-Librarian, NBPTS 
(602) 764-2134
Email  Jean Kilker

Dakota Goetz, Media Tech (602) 764-2133

Hours: 7:30AM - 4:00PM 

Print books: check out up to 4 books for 3 weeks each and renew as needed

Ebooks and audiobooks are self checkout/ renew



 There are FIVE great fiction titles coming this year focusing on on the theme Out of this Time: Out of this World Come to the library to sign up in August for book 1.. Participation requires chat participation about the book and attending the film. A grant from the Arizona Humanities Council provides 10 free books. We will watch the movie to go with the book and have snacks. 

Book 1 The Martian, meeting Friday, September 20, 3:30

Book 2 2001 A Space Odyssey, meeting, Friday, Dec. 1 3:30

Book 3 Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Friday, Feb 7

Book 4 Dune, the graphic novel Friday, March 21

Book 5 A Wrinkle in Time Friday, April 11

TeachingBooks. Find suggestions and information about YA books you might read and teaching lessons for classroom use.  NEW: now linked to SORA for insight into the authors and the text. When in SORA look for Supplemental at the bottom of the page.

eNewspaper subscriptions for at school use during the school year:

Arizona Republic         
e-edition Arizona Republic  *                     
USA Today *

Grand Canyon Readers Award
Phoenix Public Library   
Maricopa County Library District
Series and Sequels

Law for Kids
AZ Driver's License Manual    
New Global Citizens