Education and Career Action Plan (ECAP)

An ECAP reflects a student’s current plan of coursework, career aspirations, and extended learning opportunities in order to develop the student’s individual academic and career goals.
Maryvale High School Counseling Department uses the Arizona Career Information System (AZCIS) to assist students with developing an Education and Career Action Plan. The AzCIS portfolio called “My ECAP” allows students to establish their very own folder to track, save, and personalize their career and education exploration journey.
Still don't know what you want for a career?
Arizona Career Information System (AzCIS)
AzCIS has all the tools you need to help you identify your interests, career possibilities,and colleges and schools to help you plan your education and training toward those careers.
Start HERE!!! Info Careers
General User name: maryvalehs
General Password: 4azcis02
Sophomores General Password: Mv + student I.D.
Maryvale High School students will be assigned a personal username and password through the CTE Department. Each student's username and password should be the same as their assigned computer log-in. If you have been assigned your own personal user name and password, please log in with that because the searches you make and the information you enter will be saved in your own file.
To view a brief video on ECAP, go to the following website