Research Databases
Academic Research In Every Class
Reminder: all research: text, pictures, charts, graphics, interviews, etc. REQUIRE CITATIONS. Databases provide them for copy/paste.
Databases are subscriptions purchased by PXU to help students and teachers find authoritative information for academic research. There is automatic access from any computer on Maryvale's campus.
This list of databases also includes academic videos, thousands of ebooks, audiobooks, graphic novels, career exploration and test preparation. Several of the tools on the Maryvale Library website are only for Maryvale.
Some require you to set up your own access using your school credentials.
See Also: More tools for research below.
ABC-Clio geography, history and more
Ancestry Library: genealogical and historical research, census data, historical photos, plus local narratives, oral histories, indexes and other resources in over 30,000 databases that span from the 1500's to the 2000's
Culturegrams has information for cultures of every world country, Canadian province and USA states with health, diet, customs, food, recreation and more
EBSCO Suite* Biography. Literature/Poetry/ShortStory, Science, History, Points of View, Novelist AND in Host: Health, Professional Development, Greenfile (environment), ebooks, newspapers, Teacher Reference Center, Academic Search Premier, LearningExpress/PrepStep Teachers: Using Canvas you can create class assignments in PrepStep
European Views of the Americas 1493-1750
Encyclopedia Britannica Three reading levels for research information and more reading enhancements
Encyclopedia Britannica in Spanish = free teaching and learning materials for science and social studie
Gale (USE THE POWERSEARCH for general research)
Student Resource Center
Environmental Studies
Gale Virtual Library for eBooks Health, History, Art, Literature and more (Maryvale collection)
Science Interactive
Global Issues: problems in world countries
Peterson's Test Prep: testing and educational resources center
ImageQuest from Britannica Thousands of images with citations
INFOBASE Videos on every topic, can be snipped
Learning Express and PrepStep: database for all types of practice tests from EBSCO. Register with school information for your own account.
Life Magazine Archives history through photographs from early 1900's
NEWSBANK 3 modules and a trial subscription
Access World News Research Collection 2033: Explore diverse perspectives, topics and trends through international, national and local sources
Access Black Life in America The Experience and Impact of African Americans as recorded by the new media.
Access Hispanic Life in America The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today.
***Access our trial of Indigenous Life in America during February 2025. In upper left choose ALL Databases
Newsela articles on topics your teacher might be assigning
Proquest SIRS a large database of pro/con issues
SalemPress eBooks literary analysis of titles, authors and genres
Teaching Books is a source for information about books you might want to read or for teachers to find information for teaching. Descriptions, author interviews and more.
Teen Health and Wellness issues including relationships, nutrition, green living, physical and mental health, links to hotlines. Now including articles from Scientific American attached to pertinent topics.
XELLO Careers and college majors and scholarships
State of Arizona Research Databases: use school zipcode to enter You will find that we have most of them already, but there are some that we can really use!
Additional Tools For Research
Google Digital Library: books and magazines (some are free)
Writing Argument: The Nizkor Project
Student guide to choosing good sources
Creating a Research Paper: CITATIONS Remember: the databases write the citations for you and they are correct, but sometimes you might need other sites. All other citation makers need careful checking for accuracy and missing pieces.
Citations: The trademark of a good researcher
This site has information to guide you in writing all aspects of a research paper: Purdue OWL
Microsoft Office WORD under the References tab can help you create citations
Political Fact Checker
Fake News Checker
Media Bias Checker
Global Conflict Tracker