Computer Lab Information
To schedule a lab, email Mr. Richard Campbell, Computer Lab Assistant, at Email R Campbell and cc Mr. Smithers, Librarian, at Email Mr. Smithers with the desired dates and periods. Be aware that online mandated testing takes precedence.
You may play the slideshow or select a specific date at the bottom.
Lab information
Research Round-up (formally the Turquoise Lab) - South end of library - 36 student computers
Collaboration Arena- middle setion of the library- tables and chairs
Kickback Corral (formally the Silver Lab) - North end of library - couches and chairs
Professional Development-Southeast (near research Round-up)- one table and six chairs
Red Lab - Located in LA 1B (across from LA 2) - 32 student computers
Gold Lab - Right Outside Library - 32 student computers
Copper Lab - S 9 -Used for Edgenuity
Mobile Laptop Carts A & B- 32 student laptops on each cart. Carts A & B picked up in Gold Lab just outside the main door to the Library.
Computer Lab Rules. Please enforce and make sure all trash is picked up at the end of class.
- No food, drinks, gum (only thing permitted is water in leak-proof bottles)
- Computers are to be used for educational purposes. Students not using computers for educational purposes can have their rights suspended.