School Information
School Profile
North High School Profile
Year School Opened: 1939
Mascot: Mustangs
School Colors: Blue and Red
Student Enrollment: 2,667
Attendance Rate: 93.7%
4-year Graduation Rate: 76%
Annual Dropout Rate: 4.1%
School Diversity
Hispanic: 78.1%
Anglo: 7.2%
African American: 7.7%
Native American: 3.7%
Asian: 1.9%
Magnet Program
International Baccalaureate Program
Partner Districts
Madison, Osborn, Phoenix Elementary
Teachers: 135
Support Staff: 65
Administrators: 5
Teacher Education
74% have Masters or above
Teacher Experience
69% 10 year or more
22% 4-9 years
10% 0-3 years