Student Support Services

Dear Students, Families, and Staff,

We value our relationship with each of you and want to thank you for placing your trust in our team. Please meet the team and schedule an appointment, email, or call a student support services team member.

As always, if you believe you or your student is having an emergency (includes immediate safety concern such as hinting or talking about suicide, self-harm, abuse, plan to run away, immediate risk of physical violence, severe anxiety or current panic/anxiety attack etc.), please contact:

  • Crisis Line (602) 222-9444

  • Teen Lifeline (602) 248-8336

  • Text “HOME” to 741741

  • Call 911

For additional community resources and campus referrals, please explore the Student Support Services website. 

We hope you and your loved ones stay healthy and safe. Please take care of yourselves.

Thank you,

Your Carl Hayden Community High School Student Support Team