Computer Studies
Carl Hayden Community High School
Visit the Magnet Website for more information!
We believe computer science is for everyone, because computer science is everywhere. It makes life better. Join us and find out how.
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Magnet Program Overview:
As one of the oldest and largest magnet programs in the Phoenix Union High School District, we have seen huge changes in the way students use computer technology. We have grown with the demands and are continuing to offer courses that provide Carl Hayden students with exciting and rich learning opportunities.
Our philosophy is to find avenues of technology innovation and bring it to Carl Hayden Community High School. Students today are immersed in computer technology. The Center for Computer Studies Magnet Program offers opportunities for students to use current computers and software while studying the latest trends in technology, programming and software engineering. Beginning courses through college-level courses are available.
The Computer Studies Magnet Program offers students classes that prepare and train students for a variety of pathways. For example, students can follow a pathway for computer science, engineering, cybersecurity, game designer, or graphic artist. They may also take a combination of classes for a well-rounded education. In the programming classes students use the most current programming languages and study computer science concepts. In the multimedia and digital imaging track students create projects using professional-level hardware and software. In both tracks, students work with the same technology that is used in the collegiate and business world. Several of the classes give the student the opportunity to earn concurrent community college credit.
Students use state-of-the-art software and computer equipment such as digital cameras, 3D printers, robots, and scanners to study computer graphic design, web design, animation and multimedia presentations that contain video and music. Students also learn programming and software engineering techniques in preparation for college study. Programming languages as well as engineering concepts and computer science topics are taught. Opportunities encompass all areas of technology.
The magnet program features:
inclusive program with a diverse population
state of the art technology (hardware and software)
an engaging, college-preparatory curriculum
skills needed for success during and after high school
robotics, engineering, and game design
7 honors courses, 2 AP courses and 4 dual enrollment courses
courses in coding, networking and cybersecurity
courses in design, multimedia and animation
certifications and internships
creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving
The Center for Computer Studies Magnet Program provides students opportunities to use state of the art computer hardware and software to acquire the skills needed for success in college and career, particularly in a technical or computer field.
Students enrolled in the Center for Computer Studies will be given exceptional opportunities to utilize the latest computer hardware and software packages. A student’s strong interest in computers will be met with a curriculum that emphasizes problem solving skills, teamwork and creativity through the creation of original projects. This Magnet provides its graduates the skills needed for success in college, particularly in a technical or computer field, or employment after high school.
The Center for Computer Studies Magnet Program has highly qualified teachers, a progressive curriculum and state-of-the-art technology.
The Computer Studies Magnet Program provides a selection of courses specializing in computer science and computer applications to all students at Carl Hayden High School. These courses give students important technology skills so they can make the world better.
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