IMC Copy Center

Carl Hayden Copy Center Services


  • Place orders a minimum of 2 days school days in advance (Friday orders will be fulfilled by Tuesday)

  • Fill out the entire form

  • Please clean up after yourself before you leave

If you are taking a ream of paper for your department printer, please sign out the ream of paper in the copy center.


Submit your completed form and materials to the IMC copy service room. There is a submission box to the right when you enter the copy center from the main door. Request forms are also available next to the submission box and the form has been attached below as well for you to print as necessary.

Lamination requests are reviewed and completed on Fridays by the library staff. You can pick up your materials from the bin on the following Monday.


You can submit a poster request using the electronic request form included below. Email all poster requests to Ms. Valencia and Ms. Cruz (Griselva) at Email Ms. Valencia & Email Griselva Cruz

You will receive a response within two days; if approved you'll be given an estimated time frame for your request fulfillment.

Poster Request Form

Bulletin Board Paper (butcher paper):

Assorted colors available for classroom use: black, white, aqua, lime green, pink, red, orange, blue, green, brown, yellow

Diecut & Electronic Cutouts:

In the copy center there are two cutout systems available. The diecut system requires you to use the pre-made boards. The electronic cutout system has various size, font, and designs available. For more assistance with these tools, see Ms. Griselva Cruz in the copy center.

For questions please contact

Griselva Cruz, Service Center Assistant


Email Griselva Cruz